Where can I view my risk alerts?

You can view your alerts on the Alerts Dashboard, and un the Recent Alerts section.

From your Dashboard landing page, click Alerts on the navigation menu to open the Alerts Dashboard.

The donut chart displayed on the left is an aggregate view of all Alerts issued for your Targets (either Third Parties, Cities, or Countries) during the current or previous quarter by Impact Level Hint: You can click on the chart to see the list of Alerts for each Impact Level.


To find the most recent alerts with the highest impact levels, we suggest directing your attention directly below the donut chart to the ‘Recent Alerts’ section. Here recent alerts are displayed by ‘Impact Level’ (with the highest Impact Levels displayed first) or ‘Time Period’ (chronological) for the last 12, 24, or 48 hours.

Hint: Click on ‘See All Alerts’ to further customize your view by ‘Impact Level’ or by ‘Risk Domain’. You can select the Impact Level(s), Time Period, or Target type (i.e., Third Parties, Cities, Countries). You can also search Alerts by a specific Target name.


An alternative view of recent alerts is located on the right side of the Alerts Dashboard. This chart shows the ‘Recent Alerts’ for the ‘Last 7 days’ sorted by Impact Level.
  • ‘Portfolio View’: Displays the total number of Alerts by Impact Level. Click on any Impact Level to see more detail including the Risk Events, Risk Domains, and Targets impacted.
  • ‘Domain View’: Displays the total number of Alerts by Impact Level for each Risk Domain. This is helpful if you want to focus your attention on a specific Risk Domain.

Each chart and list in the Alerts Dashboard have drill-down capabilities to increase levels of detail leading eventually to the individual-issued Intelligent Risk Alerts.


See the following video for a demonstration.