How can I monitor and mitigate my cascading risks?

We recommend first looking at any Related Alerts. From the Alert, click on the Target name to go to the Target’s Dashboard.

A risk event can cascade in the following ways:
1) As time goes on a specific event can continue within the same risk domain (often with an increased impact level). These alerts are issued as “Updates” and can be found on each Intelligent Risk Alert as “Related Alerts”.
2) The effect of a risk event in one domain can spread to impact other risk domains (See below for a real-life example of this type of cascading risk – The Kaseya Hack)

The key to mitigating cascading risk scenarios is to monitor risk across a wide risk aperture. That’s why our solution goes beyond the typical siloed approach to risk that focuses on one or two domains like Financial and/or Cyber to also include ESG, Compliance and Operations risks (with the option to add Location and Nth Party).  

We’ve created the video below to illustrate how you can leverage Supply Wisdom to be aware of possible cascading risks. We recommend first looking at any Related Alerts. From the Alert, click on the Target name to go to the Target’s Dashboard.

Here you will find Key Highlights, the Target’s Risk Snapshot (composite and for each risk domain), the Target’s Latest Key Risk Trends, and any Recent Alerts for that Target across all risk domains.