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04.23.2024 Release - New Branding and Target Management Updates

With this release, Organization Admin Users gain access to detailed lists of active targets for download, surpassing previous basic information provision. Additionally, administrators can finely tune user access to subscribed targets.



Availability to all customers  

Release date 


Click Logo to Navigate Home


April 23, 2024 


Active Target List Download 


April 23, 2024 


Segmented Organization Target Assignment 


April 23, 2024 



  1. Click Logo to Navigate Home
    1. Use Case: User clicks the website logo to return to their pre-set landing page and target view in line with market standards and expectations
  2. Active Target List Download
    1. Use Case: Organization Admin User can download a list of all their active targets with their accompanying target IDs, subscription type information, and assigned labels from their “Subscription Details” tab in their Organization Settings page
    2. This is an addition/improvement on the current state which provides download of the organization subscription details; but whose detail only provides Target Name, active or inactive status, subscription tier and start and end date of subscription to target
  3. Segmented Organization Target Assignment
    1. Use Case: Organization Admin User can customize user visibility to the organization’s subscribed targets; allowing secure and discreet visibility amongst different user groups in their organization.
    2. Target Assignment within the Organization Settings tab allows the admin to customize what each of their org users sees within their account profile at an individual target level